Teaching in Beaver County in the “Good” Old Days Was No Picnic

Teaching in Beaver County in the “Good” Old Days Was No Picnic

This article was written by Robert and Kathleen Millward and reprinted in part from Beaver County Historical Research and Landmarks Foundation’s the Milestones newsletter, Vol 34 No.2. In 1958, the Pennsylvania State Superintendent recorded in this annual report that...
Looking Back in Time Early Settlers in Chippewa Township

Looking Back in Time Early Settlers in Chippewa Township

Written by Diane Manning, Resident In 1793, two decades before Chippewa Township was founded, three brave Revolutionary War soldiers, Henry Inman, Abraham Powers, and Thomas Stratton, settled here. Following the Treaty of Greenville in 1795, the Native Americans moved...
The Importance of Teaching Communication at McKinley Schoolhouse

The Importance of Teaching Communication at McKinley Schoolhouse

Submitted by Diane Babnew Manning, Resident Teaching Communication at McKinley Schoolhouse began each day with the ringing of the bell. The children knew that the toll of the bell meant it was time to get in line, enter the school, and get to work. Communication...
Remember When?

Remember When?

A FEW TOWNSHIP EMPLOYEES BEGAN LISTING SOME OF THE “OLD” BUSINESSES IN CHIPPEWA TOWNSHIP • The head went missing from “The Cow” • Stubby’s and Charlies Courtside were the “in” places • Keisters Cabin was where Sal’s restaurant is now • Fox’s pizza was located on Rt....
A Flying Memorial

A Flying Memorial

Photography by: Brad Verlihay | 724-494-6902 | verlihayb@gmail.com When we learn about history, we usually learn about the ‘big picture’; the key players and major events. We don’t always learn about the moments and individuals whose benefit to the public didn’t make...