We’re Nuts About Squirrels

We’re Nuts About Squirrels

Some people think of squirrels as bright-eyed bushy tailed critters scampering through the forest burying acorns. Other people think of squirrels as crafty acrobatic thieves raiding their backyard bird feeders. Whatever your opinion of them, squirrels provide a vital...
What’s New at Sahli Nature Park

What’s New at Sahli Nature Park

Submitted by PAM  VARGA, SAHLI PARK MANAGER A lot has been happening at Sahli Nature Park this summer. First of all, we have the biggest butterfly you have ever seen – not a Monarch or a Tiger Swallowtail, but a wonderful butterfly sculpture. The sculpture, made...
From the Pews

From the Pews

Chippewa United Methodist Church CUMC will hold two community events this fall. There will be a Fall Spectacular on October 2, 2021 from 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. at our Community Life Center, 118 McMillan Ave., with over 50 craft vendors, food trucks, and more! Also, a...
Chippewa Branch Library

Chippewa Branch Library

Please call the library with questions or to sign up. All programs are FREE! Pre-school Story Times: Tuesdays @ 6:30 pm September 21st, October 5th & 19th Wednesdays @ 11:00 am September 15th, October 6th, 13th, and 20th, November 3rd, 10th, and 17th Book Club for...
Father Bill Schwartz: All Things to All People

Father Bill Schwartz: All Things to All People

To the community of Chippewa, Father Bill Schwartz is a listening ear and a kind encourager. His role in the lives of both unbelievers and believers grows out of the care that he demonstrates to everyone he comes to know. Personal connections are first and foremost in...
McKinley Schoolhouse

McKinley Schoolhouse

Submitted by DIANE BABNEW MANNING, RESIDENT  In April of 1981, Dr. J.H. Hogg released a report entitled The Blackhawk School District: Diversity Then and Now. Authors included Babs Donnell, Jean Means, Cheryl Nicely, and Edith Porter. The following is an excerpt from...