Chippewa is full of fantastic places for all ages of our community to live and play. From the walking trails in Sahli Nature Park to the open fields of Chippewa Park, there are great options for walking, running, and taking your furry friends out for some fun. For the safety of all Chippewa residents and visitors, below are some tips for maintaining walking safety.

Wait Your Turn

When at an intersection, please remember to patiently wait for the light to change to ensure your own safety, as well as the safety of the drivers on the road. When crossing, watch for turning vehicles and make sure that drivers see you and are going to stop for you.

Walk Facing Traffic When Necessary

For places where there is no sidewalk, it is best to walk on the left side of the road—facing oncoming traffic. Having the ability to see traffic will keep you better aware of possible danger.

Dress Accordingly

Staying easily visible is important. Bright colors are encouraged for daytime walking. When walking at night, it is suggested to wear light- colored or reflective clothing to increase your visibility for drivers and other walkers.

Turn Down the Tunes

Music can make a stroll around town even more enjoyable but remember to keep your volume low enough so that you can still hear important noises around you.

Keep Your Eyes Up

With phone calls, texting, and games, etc. on mobile devices, it is easy to become distracted and unaware of tripping hazards, traffic danger, or passing joggers or bikes. Remember to keep your head up.

Stay Hydrated—H2O is the Way to Go!

Make sure that you are well- hydrated before heading out for a walk or run and bring extra water along with you.

Look Out for Your Furry Friends

Whether you’re headed out for a quick stroll or hiking through the woods, safety for your furry friends is key. Please remember to bring along dog waste bags to keep our community clean for everyone to enjoy. If the surface where you’ll be walking is too hot for you to keep the palm of your hand on, then it’s too hot for your dog’s feet. Be sure to bring along plenty of water for your furry companion as well. Remember to always check your dog for ticks when you get home, especially between toes and in ears.

Stay alert, cautious, and safe. Thank you for doing your part to make walking in Chippewa safer for everyone!

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