Submitted by DAVID M. PRYZBYSZ, Deputy Chief 

It sure didn’t take long for the bright autumn leaves of red and orange to fall to the ground.

The wind has now turned crisp and cold and the people who, at least, think they know, are predicting the white stuff will soon be floating to the ground.

The Fire Department has gone through its winter preparations.

The tires and heaters have been checked on the trucks and the station is decorated for the holiday season.

Our members have broken out their hooded sweatshirts and their winter jackets and are ready for what the season has to offer.

Winter has more to experience than just wind and cold and the fire department plans on being very active in many events.

Once again, our members plan on being a part of A Very Merry Christmas in Chippewa, held at Wright Fields on December 2nd.

Stop by our booth to say hello and maybe pick up a tasty treat!

Traditionally, our trucks and members can be seen in both the Beaver Falls and Beaver Christmas parades and once again we will be hosting Chippewa’s own Santa Stops where the Chief Elf himself will visit a few select stops throughout the Township to get those last minute lists from our children and leave them with a small treat!

You can keep up with all of our activities by following us on Facebook. There are new things to post and share on there everyday. You can also check out our website at

Although the many social activities will keep us busy, that doesn’t mean that we are putting fire protection on the back burner.

The winter months and holidays bring a somewhat unique twist to fire responses.

There is an increased risk of cooking incidents, carbon monoxide alarms, electrical and chimney fires and motor vehicle accidents.

Our medical responders also see more illnesses as folks spend time in larger crowds and spend less time outside.

And, of course, for those that do venture out, they respond to an increased number of slips and falls.

We will also continue to train monthly and even though we respond in all types of weather, a lot of training will be conducted indoors for the next couple of months.

Lastly, as if all of that wasn’t enough, our members will be preparing their homes for the winter holidays.

Decorating trees and stringing up lights

Soon, family and friends will be gathering for Christmas and New Years celebrations.

Our greatest wish is that the Spirit of Christmas fills you’re hearts and homes and keeps you warm and safe the whole year through! ν

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