Lauren Ostrom
Here at Blackhawk you are given many opportunities to succeed and pursue your passions. One opportunity that you may not know about is the Pennsylvania’s Governor’s Schools. There are 5 programs that happen during the summer at a college in Pittsburgh, such as the one I attended at the University of Pittsburgh. These are highly prestigious programs that students all across the state fight for a spot in. The schools focus on International and Global studies at Pitt, Entrepreneurship at Lehigh University, or Math and Sciences at Carnegie Mellon.
From my experience at Pitt, I highly recommend any future sophomores or juniors to apply for such an impactful program. Not only do you learn a great deal about the world around you through global studies and are more aware of the impact your actions have on it, but it also prepares you for college life. Have I mentioned all the new friends you will meet that you would soon be able to call your second family?
Every day I wish I could relive my days spent at Governor’s School. Who would have thought that learning in the summer would be one of the best parts of your life? What I learned there will stick with me forever, whether that is not to shop at a certain fast-fashion store or to not use as much plastic such as water bottles. Not to mention, each student learns a foreign language from a native speaker. I learned Portuguese from my Brazilian teacher.
My time at Pitt is something I will never forget and hope that more Blackhawk students will consider participating in such an incredible once in a life time experience. As my director told us at the closing ceremony, “You cannot be the difference in the world, but you certainly can make a change in it.”