Submitted by Deb Thellman, Prom Sponsor

On Friday May 14, 2021, Blackhawk students were treated to “An Enchanted Evening” under the stars. This was the theme of the 2021 Blackhawk Prom. Students arrived on campus at 6:00pm to register for the Grand March which began at 6:30 pm. It was a thrill seeing the stadium full of family members who came to watch the promenade. Prom attendees marched from the track and processed down the fifty-yard line where their photo was taken by Brad Verlihay of Photography by James, and Blackhawk student photographer Aidan Thellman. The smiles of all prom goers were captured under a decorative floral arch at centerfield.

Tents were set up on the field and courtyard of the stadium by Kareyes, Inc., owned by Don and

Jessica Karaisz, a Blackhawk family. The Prom Committee, under the direction of Kara Gailey and Olivia Shroads, prom co-chairs, busily decorated on Thursday creating beautiful floral centerpieces situated on mirrors, along with lanterns and candles that dressed up the cafeteria tables, covered with linen tablecloths and blue gossamer table runners. Blue, lilac, purple and silver balloon bouquets floated from the ceiling tent along with gorgeous hanging baskets donated by the Blackhawk FFA. Strands of lantern lights lit up both tents. Excitement was definitely in the air preparing for the high school’s first outdoor prom!

Students were entertained and danced the night away with music provided by DJ Neil Hassen, a Blackhawk alumnus. Prom goers had the opportunity to have caricatures drawn by Mr. Sam Thong and Mr. Clarence. Both students and teacher chaperones visited the photo booth by Fairytale Videography. Mr. and Mrs. Barry Balaski hosted a hypnosis show in the high school gymnasium where they entertained students for an hour. Sounds of laughter repeatedly erupted from the gym during the show. The stadium concession stand was open and available to prom goers throughout the night offering bagged snacks of chips, pretzels, popcorn, party mixes, pop, and water. Gourmet cookies, cupcakes, and cake pops were the indulgence and thoroughly enjoyed by all!

Thank you to the Blackhawk faculty and administration for supporting the first prom in our new stadium, and  thank you to the Chippewa Township Police Department for ensuring the protection and safety of our students at prom. A much-anticipated event, Blackhawk High School’s 2021 Prom, “An Enchanted Evening” was a great success! Students will certainly remember their first BHS outdoor prom and have fond memories to look back on.



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