Eric S. Hermick, Chief of Police

Protect and Serve is a common phrase used in law enforcement – but the Chippewa Township Police Department takes this mission very seriously. We are dedicated to upholding and honoring that phrase through Proactive Progressive Professional Policing.

Our police department is more active with training than ever before. We conduct thorough investigations and utilize outside resources as deemed appropriate. We continually assess and address the needs of our growing community and the increased vehicular traffic in our area. Being proactive, not reactive – has rendered our highways and roadways safer – reportable and/or injury related crashes decreased for the second straight year. From 2018 to 2019, reportable and/or injury related crashes reduced by 22% with total number of injuries reducing by 41%. These positive outcomes were due to the officers improved efforts. Proactive policing has a significant increase in contacts with motorists – yielding more contacts with violators. As a result, more impaired and/or dangerous motorists are being stopped and removed from the highways and roadways before they crashed and cause deaths, injuries and/or property damage. All contacts with motorists serve as a deterrent and educational opportunity – the police are more visible and issue written warnings and/or traffic citations for violations. We will continue to partner with our community and the schools to ensure we are providing the best service and protection possible. As always, we welcome insight and suggestions from our community and the businesses.

Below is the statistical information comparing 2018 to 2019. As anticipated with the community growth, the number of calls and incidents have increased – along with self-initiated policing – which explains the increase in criminal arrests.

Proactive policing and increased traffic enforcement efforts have yielded positive results.

More impaired and dangerous drivers have been removed from the highways and roadways before crashing and causing injuries and/or property damage. DUI arrests have increased over 65%.

Reportable crashes and injuries have reduced significantly due to an increase in motorist contacts – traffic citations and written warnings. These contacts served as a deterrent and education for violators.

Reportable crashes have decreased by 22%. Injuries from crashes reduced 41%. Incidents and calls have increased by over 7%. Criminal arrests have increased over 9%.

Blackhawk Intermediate School hosted our Department on Tuesday January 14, 2020 for Law Enforcement Appreciation Day. The Chippewa Township Police Department is so very grateful that the staff and students invited them to enjoy a morning together. They truly appreciate the artwork, cards and messages the students presented them.

Chief Eric Hermick said, “We are very proud and honored to serve the schools and the community. We’re looking forward to spending more time together. Thank you for expressing your sincere gratitude to us.”


Officers Eli Nye and Ray Gossett are pictured along with Clearview Credit Union Manager Amanda Diffenbacher.

Clearview Credit Union delivered thank you cards and a tray of cookies to the police department regarding National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day – January 9, 2020.








He is pictured with the other supporting Police Departments holding the torch (left to right): Marion Township PD, Chippewa Township PD, Beaver PD, Beaver County Sheriff Dept., Rochester Township PD.

Sgt. Sommer attended the opening ceremony at Beaver High School on March 3, 2020. Pictured here are photos where they conducted the bocce competition.

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